What is mixture?

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Mixture refers to the mixing of law and grace. A message of mixture combines the unmerited favor of God with the merited wage of human-effort. “You are saved by grace but you maintain your position through right-living.” “God gives you grace so that you can keep his commands.” These sorts of messages contain an element of grace but ultimately push you to trust in yourself and your own efforts.

Grace is unearned, undeserved and unmerited favour of God. It is not a performance based Gospel. Salavation is a gift from the heavenly Father towards us and there is nothing we can do or say to make God love us more or close the door.

Jesus has overcome-past tense. The devil couldn’t tempt him, the law lovers couldn’t silence him, Pilate couldn’t fault him, death couldn’t keep him, and the grave couldn’t hold Him. Jesus conquered death and He now sits at the right hand of God, bearing a name above every name.

You have overcome the world in and through Jesus Christ. Rest in His finished work. It is Grace plus nothing, or Grace is not Grace at all.

6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work. - Romans 11:6 [1]

Good News?


  1. King James Version (KJV)