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=Day Eight: It's Imposible=
=Day Eight: It's Imposible=
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"It's impossible."'''
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"It's impossible."''' Jesus said, "All things are possible to him who believes" ([[Mark 9:23]]). What is in your life today that you have given up on or considered impossible? Whatever it is (provided it's legal!), don't ever give up. Never, never, never give up. So today, let's fast from the thought that says, '''"It's impossible.'''"
Jesus said, "All things are possible to him who believes" ([[Mark 9:23]]).
What is in your life today that you have given up on or considered impossible? Whatever it is (provided it's legal!), don't ever give up. Never, never, never give up.

So today, let's fast from the thought that says, '''"It's impossible.'''"
'''1. Think about the resurrection every day.''' This reveals the miraculous power of God to do anything! We tend to save these thoughts for Easter, but we need to think about the resurrection all the time. It awakens hope and faith in the possibilities of God.
'''2. Stop thinking or saying, "I can't believe that."''' Cynicism and skepticism have filled our culture. We need to get out of the habit of questioning and doubting the possibility of things. When you think there is no way, remember that JESUS IS THE WAY! ([[John 14:6]])
'''3. Deal with the real problem.''' It's not whether God will help. It's whether we believe. The man with the demon-possessed son came to Jesus and said, "If you can do anything, help us . . ." Jesus responded and said, "If you can believe . . ." See? It's not whether God can do it. It's whether we can believe it. And remember that faith comes from hearing God's Word ([[Romans 10:17]]).
'''4. You are BIGGER than a mountain.''' Believe that your words move mountains. [[Matthew 17:20]] says, "You shall say to this mountain, 'Remove from here to there,' and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you." That's big! You're big!
'''5. Meditate on people who had an impossible turnaround.''' Abraham was 99 years old when he had a son. Sarah was 90! Moses parted the Red Sea. The list goes on and on. Find those people in the Bible and fill your mind with their testimonies. [[Hebrews 12:1]] says, "We have a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us . . ." If it could happen for them, it can happen for you, and ''it will.''
'''6. God CAN'T lie.''' There is only ONE THING in this world that is impossible: it's impossible for God to lie ([[Hebrews 6:18]]). Don't throw away your confidence in God's promises. He will fulfill them.

==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''All things are possible for me, because I believe God's Word. All of His promises are possible because all His promises are "Yes"; and He can't lie. Jesus is the WAY when it seems like there is no way. Faith comes as I hear God's Word; and faith moves the impossible mountain as I speak God's Word today, in Jesus' Name!''
''All things are possible for me, because I believe God's Word. All of His promises are possible because all His promises are "Yes"; and He can't lie. Jesus is the WAY when it seems like there is no way. Faith comes as I hear God's Word; and faith moves the impossible mountain as I speak God's Word today, in Jesus' Name!''

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