Romans 1:7

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To all that be in Rome, beloved [1] [2] [3] of God, called to be saints [4] : Grace to you [5] and peace from God [6] [7] our Father. [8] , and the Lord Jesus Christ. [9]

  1. The original word for beloved (agapetos) means dearly loved, esteemed, favorite and worthy of love. It is closely related to a verb (agapao) that means to be well pleased or fond of or contented.
  2. This word captures God’s heart for you. Your heavenly Father is fond of you. You are his esteemed favorite and he is well pleased with you.
  3. He looks at you with a feeling of deep contentment knowing that you are his dearly loved child.
  4. You are not a forgiven sinner but a saint so live like one.
  5. Grace and peace encompass all the blessings of God. The apostle of grace begins all of his letters with this gracious salutation. The grace or unmerited favor of God lay at the heart of everything Paul wrote.
  6. Since the Fall of man, people have hidden from a God they perceive as angry.
  7. Our Father’s heart is always for our peace. Peace is more than the cessation of hostilities. It is a state of quietness and rest, security and prosperity.
  8. Jesus came to reveal a God who loves us like a Father and the epistle writers echoed this theme. Paul referred to God as Father more than forty times in his epistles.
  9. King James Version