Romans 12:2

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And be not conformed [1] to this world: but be ye transformed [2] by the renewing of your mind [3], that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. [4][5]

  1. Don’t go along with the corrupt values of this world and the present age. Do not fall for the emptypromises of this world, like falling in love with mammon. Don’t fall for them. You will be told you need to perform in order to be loved, accepted, and promoted by God. Don’t listen. Religion will tell you that you need to earn the favor of God. Don’t believe it. You are a dearly-loved child of God, and you have nothing to prove, but rather to rest in His finished work.
  2. A made up mind is a powerful mind. Once you receive the revelation of HIs love fo us the genuine change comes as we behold the Lord and allow His word to take root in our hearts. Although you were made into a brand new creation the moment you responded to the Lord in faith, some things did not change. Old habits, attitudes and mindsets can thwart the purposes of God in your life making you unfruitful and miserable. The remedy is to change the way you think.
  3. Renewing of your mind is for our benefit, it is not a work to get God's attention. We already has His attentention. Renewing of our mind, is to renovate your thinking. Apply the hammer of God’s word to any argument or stronghold that harms your faith. Abandon those mindsets that don’t align with the message of grace, and be quick to believe the goodness of God. Negative communication can corrupt good manners (see 1 Corinthians 15:33).
  4. When we align ourselves to the Lord’s word, we can be sure that we are walking in His will. God’s will is for us to trust him in all things and be led by the spirit. His desires will become our desires. We will see the manifistation of His revelation in our life.
  5. King James Version (KJV)