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==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I have the fullness of joy and happiness in life because I am in God’s presence, and the Holy Spirit lives in me. I walk in the supreme happiness of life, knowing that I am loved by God. I refuse to condemn myself because there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. God will always help me, and my hope is in Him. Therefore, I am happy, in Jesus’ Name!''
''I have the fullness of joy and happiness in life because I am in God’s presence, and the Holy Spirit lives in me. I walk in the supreme happiness of life, knowing that I am loved by God. I refuse to condemn myself because there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. God will always help me, and my hope is in Him. Therefore, I am happy, in Jesus’ Name!''
=I Feel Anxious=
=Day Six: I Feel Anxious=
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"I feel anxious."'''
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"I feel anxious."'''

All of us deal with anxiety at various times in our lives. Some of the symptoms of anxiety include: heart palpitations, tension, fatigue, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach aches, and headaches. You don't have to live this way.
All of us deal with anxiety at various times in our lives. Some of the symptoms of anxiety include: heart palpitations, tension, fatigue, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach aches, and headaches. You don't have to live this way.

<blockquote>''<big>“</big> <small><sup>6</sup></small> Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; <small><sup>7</sup></small>and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. [[Phillipians 4:6]],[[Phillipians 4:7|7]] (NKJV)''</blockquote>
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. Treat anxiety as a signal rather than a condition.''' It is a signal to pray, and prayer will change the thing you are facing.
'''1. Treat anxiety as a signal rather than a condition.''' It is a signal to pray, and prayer will change the thing you are facing.
'''2. More praying about it = less worrying about it'''. [[James 5:16]] says, "The prayer of the righteous avails much." Stop trying to SUBTRACT the anxiety. Instead, just ADD prayer the moment you feel it, and anxiety will leave!
'''2. More praying about it = less worrying about it'''. [[James 5:16]] says, "The prayer of the righteous avails much." Stop trying to SUBTRACT the anxiety. Instead, just ADD prayer the moment you feel it, and anxiety will leave!
'''3. When panic attacks, attack back!''' How do you attack anxiety and panic? By speaking God's Word out of your mouth.
'''3. When panic attacks, attack back!''' How do you attack anxiety and panic? By speaking God's Word out of your mouth.
'''4. It's not your fault!''' Embrace this truth. Don't blame yourself for feeling anxious. It's the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Stop beating yourself up when you feel anxiety. Instead, beat up on the enemy by speaking God's Word.
'''4. It's not your fault!''' Embrace this truth. Don't blame yourself for feeling anxious. It's the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Stop beating yourself up when you feel anxiety. Instead, beat up on the enemy by speaking God's Word.
'''5. Remember your value.''' Because you are so valuable in God's eyes, He will care for you. Yes, He values you, because He paid for you with the blood of Jesus! Worry and anxiety lose their power when you remember your value.
'''5. Remember your value.''' Because you are so valuable in God's eyes, He will care for you. Yes, He values you, because He paid for you with the blood of Jesus! Worry and anxiety lose their power when you remember your value.
'''6. Breathe praise to God.''' "Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord" ([[Psalm 150:6]]). Experts agree that breathing literally helps manage anxiety. But when you BREATHE praise to God, you don't just manage anxiety, you MASTER it.
'''6. Breathe praise to God.''' "Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord" ([[Psalm 150:6]]). Experts agree that breathing literally helps manage anxiety. But when you BREATHE praise to God, you don't just manage anxiety, you MASTER it.

==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''Anxiety has lost its power over me. When I feel anxious, it is a signal to pray and praise God. When I add prayer, anxiety is subtracted. Because I am so valuable to God, I know that He will take care of me. I attack panic by speaking the Word of God. The Prince of Peace lives inside of me, therefore, I have peace guarding my heart and mind. I breathe praise to God today, in Jesus’ Name!''
''Anxiety has lost its power over me. When I feel anxious, it is a signal to pray and praise God. When I add prayer, anxiety is subtracted. Because I am so valuable to God, I know that He will take care of me. I attack panic by speaking the Word of God. The Prince of Peace lives inside of me, therefore, I have peace guarding my heart and mind. I breathe praise to God today, in Jesus’ Name!''
=Day Seven: The "Problem-Focused" Mentality=
Today we're fasting from what I call the '''"problem-focused"''' mentality. The problem-focused mentality just sees and reports the problem.
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. Never''' '''be satisfied with just recognising a problem.''' There are enough critics and complainers in the world. The world needs solution-minded people, not just those who can report a problem.
'''2. We are compensated in life for the problems we solve, not the problems we merely recognise.''' In [[Genesis 41]], Joseph not only recognised the famine coming, but he offered a solution for the famine. As a result, he became the most powerful man in the world. Even Pharaoh bowed his heart to Joseph and recognised his power.
'''3. Love''' '''math!''' What do I mean? Mathematics is a great discipline because it proves there is a solution to every problem. Whether you liked math in school, we need to get this: There is a solution to ''everything''. Look for it.
'''4. You have the mind of Christ.''' With His mind, you will find His solutions. With every problem man created, God had a solution. And you have His mind!
'''5. Lean on the Holy Spirit.''' As we are led by the Holy Spirit and pray in the Holy Spirit, we bring His solutions into our situation. [[Romans 8:26]]–[[Romans 8:27|27]] says, “the Spirit helps our weaknesses. For we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us . . . according to the will [solutions] of God.”
'''6. Stop talking about the problem and start talking to it.''' Jesus said, “If you shall say to this mountain, be removed and cast into the sea, and do not doubt . . . it shall obey you.” Use your mouth to move the problem.
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I believe that God will give me the interpretations to life’s problems and that He will bless me with wisdom and answers. I believe there is a solution to every problem because I have the mind of Christ. I welcome the Holy Spirit to pray through me and bring God’s will and solutions to my life and the lives of those around me, in Jesus’ Name!''
=Day Eight: It's Imposible=
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"It's impossible."''' Jesus said, "All things are possible to him who believes" ([[Mark 9:23]]). What is in your life today that you have given up on or considered impossible? Whatever it is (provided it's legal!), don't ever give up. Never, never, never give up. So today, let's fast from the thought that says, '''"It's impossible.'''"
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. Think about the resurrection every day.''' This reveals the miraculous power of God to do anything! We tend to save these thoughts for Easter, but we need to think about the resurrection all the time. It awakens hope and faith in the possibilities of God.
'''2. Stop thinking or saying, "I can't believe that."''' Cynicism and skepticism have filled our culture. We need to get out of the habit of questioning and doubting the possibility of things. When you think there is no way, remember that JESUS IS THE WAY! ([[John 14:6]])
'''3. Deal with the real problem.''' It's not whether God will help. It's whether we believe. The man with the demon-possessed son came to Jesus and said, "If you can do anything, help us . . ." Jesus responded and said, "If you can believe . . ." See? It's not whether God can do it. It's whether we can believe it. And remember that faith comes from hearing God's Word ([[Romans 10:17]]).
'''4. You are BIGGER than a mountain.''' Believe that your words move mountains. [[Matthew 17:20]] says, "You shall say to this mountain, 'Remove from here to there,' and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you." That's big! You're big!
'''5. Meditate on people who had an impossible turnaround.''' Abraham was 99 years old when he had a son. Sarah was 90! Moses parted the Red Sea. The list goes on and on. Find those people in the Bible and fill your mind with their testimonies. [[Hebrews 12:1]] says, "We have a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us . . ." If it could happen for them, it can happen for you, and ''it will.''
'''6. God CAN'T lie.''' There is only ONE THING in this world that is impossible: it's impossible for God to lie ([[Hebrews 6:18]]). Don't throw away your confidence in God's promises. He will fulfill them.
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''All things are possible for me, because I believe God's Word. All of His promises are possible because all His promises are "Yes"; and He can't lie. Jesus is the WAY when it seems like there is no way. Faith comes as I hear God's Word; and faith moves the impossible mountain as I speak God's Word today, in Jesus' Name!''
=Day Nine: I Feel Like a Victim=
I'm so glad we're on this journey together. We are a part of a revolution—from the inside out. Our lives don't improve through external changes, but rather from the inside out.
Today we're fasting from thought that says, '''"I feel like a victim."''' The worst prison in the world is the one we put ourselves in—our mind.
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. No one can keep you in your current situation, except you.''' We must begin TODAY to accept total responsibility to become victors, not victims. You are MORE than a conqueror--more than a victor. [[Romans 8:37]].
'''2. People may have had something to do with how you got in the situation, but only YOU can decide whether you stay in the situation.'''
'''3. The victim mentality ends when we TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for our attitude and direction in life.''' [[Deuteronomy 30:15]],[[Deuteronomy 30:19|19]] says, "See, I have set before you this day, life and prosperity and death and adversity . . . so choose life, that both you and your descendants might LIVE (the victorious, abundant, God kind of life)."
'''4. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you.''' Full responsibility doesn't mean that we're in it alone. God is on our side, and He will help us. It's natural to look for help—but let's get it from God. [[John 16:13]] says the Holy Spirit is our Helper! When you have His help, you don't need to blame anyone for anything! We blame when we feel helpless—but we're NOT!
'''5. Understand the root word of responsibility is response'''. We may not be able to control everything that others do to us, but we can control our RESPONSE. In our response lies our freedom and our growth!
'''6. Don't give away your power.''' We give away our power to live in victory, health, and success—when we allow others to determine how we RESPOND. We have the power to forgive, the power to recover, and the power to overcome anything. When we blame others, we give away that power to them.
'''7. TAKE CHARGE OVER WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN YOU.''' The master said to the servant who hid his talent, "Why didn't you at least invest my money so I could have received interest?" ([[Matthew 25:24]]–[[Matthew 25:24|27]]) He blamed the master and excused himself. As a result, he fell to the temptation of resentment and fear. He lost everything because he had a victim mentality.
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it ==
''No one can keep me down!  I am not a victim. I am a victor. I take full responsibility for my responses in life—my attitudes and my decisions. Holy Spirit, I am asking for your help. You live in me, and you are my Helper! I refuse to give away my power by blaming others. I take responsibility for my thoughts, my actions and my REACTIONS. I abandon the idea that my situation is the fault of anyone else. I am an overcomer. I am more than a conqueror, in Jesus’ Name!''
=Day Ten: I’m Feeling Offended =
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"I'm feeling offended."'''
We all know what's it like to be treated wrongly or unfairly; to be talked about or lied about. It's easy to become offended and feel that we have the right to feel that way. But this is a destructive trap.
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. Being offended traps you.''' Skandalon (offense) is the trigger of a well-baited trap. When an animal touches the trigger of a snare, it snaps down on him and he is trapped. When you are offended, you are the one caught in the trap. By thinking and knowing this, it will empower you to stay out of the traps.
'''2. Being offended comes from self-righteousness.''' We think, "How could they do that to me? I would never have done that!" But we have all sinned. ([[Romans 3:23]]) Embrace humility with the sure knowledge that you have failed, too. And offense loses its grip on you.
'''3. You can't afford to pay attention!''' [[1 Corinthians 13:5]] (Amplified Bible) says, "Love (God's love in us) is not touchy or fretful or resentful." Why? "Because it pays no attention to a suffered wrong." We get offended when we pay attention to the wrong we have suffered. Stop paying attention. It's too expensive.
'''4. Take back control.''' We let others control us when we pay attention to what they did to us. What God did FOR you is greater than what others have done TO you. Focus on what God has done for you.
'''5. Express UP, not OUT.''' Fully express your anger and hurt out loud to God. Tell Him how much it hurt. Forgive the offender (out loud to God) whether you feel anything or not; and ask Him to heal you.
'''6. NOTHING CAN OFFEND YOU!''' How is that possible? [[Psalm 119:165]] says that those who love the Word have great peace, and nothing offends them. One of the meanings of the Greek word for "love" is "attachment." Attach yourself to what God says, and you'll detach from the power of what others have done or said to you. That's what it means to love God's Word.
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I am free from being offended. I am free from the emotions of offense, bitterness, and the right to feel mad. I will not be trapped by those feelings. I love God's Word. I attach myself to what He said and did. I refuse to pay attention to the wrong done to me. I forgive and release those that have hurt me. I express my feelings to God, and I am healed, in Jesus' Name!''
=Day Eleven: I Feel Depressed=
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, '''"I feel depressed."'''
We have all felt it at times. Depression is now the leading cause of disability in the world. So often, depression is anger turned inward at ourselves for our shortcomings and mistakes.
Perhaps you’ve thought: “Life’s a drag; what’s the use; I’ll never be happy.” These thoughts are designed to rob you of the joy and confidence that produces supernatural strength in our lives.
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. Stop condemning yourself.''' Condemnation is a mindset that robs you of joy and peace. [[Romans 14:22]] says, “Happy is the man who does not condemn himself . . .” Don’t condemn yourself because God doesn’t condemn you.
'''2. God’s still working on you!''' [[Philippians 1:6]] tells us to lighten up on ourselves. He began a good work in you; He’ll finish it! Trust God that you’re making progress. You’re not standing still.
'''3. Tap into the power of believing.''' [[1 Peter 1:8]] says: “ . . . though you do not see Him now, you BELIEVE in Him, and are filled with inexpressible and glorious joy.” Believe the promise of God regardless of what you feel, and depression will begin to leave.
'''4. REJECT Shame.''' Jesus took your shame on the cross. No matter what you feel or what you’ve done. We are all dealing with something. If you feel darkness, remember: God is with you, even in the valley.
'''5. Surround yourself with positive people.''' Positive thinking and speaking are contagious, just as negative thinking is. Surround yourself only with those who create an atmosphere of victory with their attitude and words.
'''6. Remember, you are not helpless.''' Thoughts of helplessness bring depression. The Holy Spirit is our Helper. He has not left you alone and He will never leave you alone.
'''7. Depression comes from a sense of powerlessness.''' You have the power to pray and receive the answer—this sense of power brings joy.
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I will never be depressed another day in my life. I decide to stop condemning myself and beating myself up for my shortcomings. I believe God is working in me every day. I am not a negative thinker. I am positive. God is for me, with me and in me, therefore depression cannot stay. I am not helpless because I have the Holy Spirit living in me. I command every ounce of depression to loose me and let me go. I command it to be removed and cast into the sea, in Jesus’ Name!''
=Day Twelve: I Can't Shake My Past.=
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"I can't shake my past."''' Often our past is what limits us and keeps us defeated.
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. Meet the new you.''' You truly are a new creation—if you are in Christ. The old has passed away. Your past is over!
'''2. God will use your past.''' Live in [[Romans 8:28]]. All things, including your past, work for your GOOD! While your past is over, God can still make it work to your advantage. Believe that.
'''3. You are more than a conqueror.''' That means your past doesn’t conquer you! You have conquered it, by being in Christ. You’re the head and not the tail! See yourself that way, and your past loses its grip on you.
'''4. You are not guilty.''' No matter how guilty you were, you have been pronounced by Jesus as “NOT GUILTY”. Jesus has washed all your sins away ([[Romans 8:34]]). That’s how God sees you. Now, you can start seeing yourself that way.
'''5. You can shake it off!''' In [[Acts 28:5]] Paul shook off a serpent from his hand. And you have the power to do so as well. Nothing can harm you anymore—not even your past mistakes or shortcomings. Shake it off by speaking to it!
'''6. Have a funeral for regret.''' Kiss regret goodbye. Have a burial service for whatever is nagging you. Take 20 seconds and pray this funeral prayer: “Lord, I thank you that this sin or mistake of my past is dead and gone. You have removed it & forgotten it, therefore so do I! I shake it off and commit it to You.”
And thus concludes this funeral service for your past!
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; and no matter how bad my past is, it’s not only forgiven—it’s washed away!  I am more than a conqueror, and I will not be pushed around by memories or people from my past. Because of the blood of Jesus, I am not guilty. I shake off my past. I declare it is over, and I expect God will turn my situation around for good in some miraculous way, in Jesus’ Name!''
=Day Thirteenth: I Haven't Done Enough=
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"I haven't done enough."''' When things don't go our way, we sometimes have this nagging thought that we're not holy enough or haven't prayed enough to qualify us for God's blessing or favour.
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. We get what Jesus deserves.''' [[Romans 8:17]] tells us that we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ. His inheritance is ours. [[1 John 4:17]] says, "As He is, so are we in this world." This is the great exchange! We deserved the curse, but instead, we get His blessing ([[Galatians 3:13]]).
'''2. Be covenant-minded'''. You have a covenant with God ([[Hebrews 8:12]]–[[Hebrews 8:13|13]]). A covenant is a contract—in this case, a contract that is guaranteed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
'''3. Be grace-minded.''' Grace is when God gives us what we don't deserve. [[Hebrews 4:15]] says, "Therefore, let us draw near with confidence [boldly] to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
'''4. Have confidence in God, not in yourself.''' ([[1 John 3:20]]–[[1 John 3:21|21]]) Confidence and faith enable God to answer prayers in our lives.
'''5. Reject condemnation.''' It is our heart that condemns us for our mistakes and shortcomings. When we feel condemned, we lose confidence, and then we believe we can't receive anything from God. ([[Hebrews 10:35]])
'''6. Accept your freedom in Christ.''' There is now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ! ([[Romans 8:1]])
'''7. Stop beating yourself up about what you haven't done.''' We often punish ourselves with self-condemnation. We will never do enough for God. That's why Jesus did it all. He paid for sin, sickness, the curse, and our failure. Our work, our battle, is to simply believe.
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I let go of the mind-set that tells me I'm not holy enough, or I haven't done enough to receive answered prayers. I receive His promises by faith. I am a joint heir with Jesus Christ. I expect to get what He deserves, not what I deserve. The throne of His grace is always open! His river of lavish love-gifts are always flowing toward me! I receive His grace, freely and lavishly, in Jesus' Name!''
=Day Fourteenth: That's Just The Way I Am=
Today we are fasting from the thought that says: '''"That's just the way I am."''' One of the things that limits us and keeps us defeated is the opinion we have of ourselves. Over time, we begin to accept a version of ourselves that isn’t God’s version. We also accept other people’s stigmas of us: “He’s shy”; “She’s self-absorbed”; “He’s all talk”; “She’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer”. We often end up living up to the very opinions and expectations that others have had of us because it has conditioned us. So...
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. You are a work of art—a work in progress.''' God is the potter and we are the clay ([[Jeremiah 18:1]],[[Jeremiah 18:2|2]],[[Jeremiah 18:3|3]],[[Jeremiah 18:4|4]],[[Jeremiah 18:5|5]] and [[Jeremiah 18:6|6]]). God is working on you to make you what He wants you to be. Trust the Artist to make a masterpiece. Be flexible and adaptable. See yourself as a GOOD work in progress.
'''2. Withhold judgment of yourself (or others).''' [[Philippians 1:6]] says, “He who began a GOOD work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Don’t prejudge what your capacity is or what your potential is. He’s only just begun!
'''3. God doesn’t throw you out.''' HE NEVER GIVES UP ON YOU. [[Jeremiah 18:4]] says, “The clay was marred, so He made it again.” He didn’t discard it. He made it again. Thank God! He’s re-making you!
'''4. You are changing as you are reading this!''' Whatever flaws you have, they are not the final sentence. You are NOW being transformed to the very image of Jesus!
'''5. EMBRACE the GRACE!''' Paul said in [[1 Corinthians 15:10]], “I AM what I AM by the grace of God.” It’s God’s grace IN YOU that is making you what you are. You are not a composite of your parents’ mistakes, your mistakes, or others’ opinions of you. You’re awesome! You are a work of God’s grace.
'''6. Take another look!''' The Bible is a mirror that reflects what God and you really look like! We are everything God says we are. As Jesus is, so are we in this world!–[[1 John 4:17]]. THAT’S the way you are!
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I am unlimited in my ability to grow and change. God is the potter and I am the clay. I am what God says I am. He began a good work in me, and He will finish it. He is making me into something GOOD. I am His workmanship—His work of art. He’s good at this and has been doing it for a long time! I am not in bondage to my weaknesses and former limitations. They do not define me. Every day and every moment that passes is making me more and more like Jesus!''
=Day Fifteenth: God Is Far From Me=
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "God is far from me." We must learn to not only discern between right and wrong, but we must discern between right and almost right. It's almost right to ask God to come down and help us. It sounds holy. It sounds humble. But you will truly be free when you discover, He is already here. Emmanuel means, "God WITH us." When Jesus came to the earth, He put an end to the separation between God and man.
Separation between us and God is a myth. The devil wants us to believe it to keep us powerless. We were separated from God through our sin ([[Isaiah 59:2]]), but Jesus took away the sin through His blood. Therefore, the moment we are born again, there is no separation anymore. We sometimes feel that He is so far away, but He is not. He is here. He is there.
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. [[Psalm 46:1]] says, "He is an ever-present help in times of trouble.'''" Wow! You have to love this thought. Have you ever had times of trouble? But notice, He is ever-present. Then, it says, help in times of trouble. It is His ever-presence that brings us help in times of trouble.
'''2. Take Him at His Word.''' Jesus said in [[Matthew 28:20]], "Lo, I am with you always; even to the end of the age." There is no way to misinterpret this verse. Jesus is with YOU always. That has to warm your heart and comfort you.
'''3. Christianity is not a life of attainment, but a life of recognition.''' [[Philemon 6]] says, "that your faith might become effective, through the acknowledgment of those things which are already in you, in Christ Jesus." Many people focus on attaining God's presence and God's blessing. But the Scripture is clear: Acknowledge. Recognise He is already in you. His gifts are already in you!
'''4. Christianity is not us finding God.''' It's that Jesus came and found us, spilled His blood to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, took us into His arms, and breathed His very Spirit into us. Now He lives in every person that has accepted Him as their Savior and Lord. [[Romans 8:11]] tells us that the Spirit of God lives in us!
'''5. Resist the temptation to pray, "God, come down and help me," or, "Send Your Spirit."''' He has already come. He has already sent His Spirit. Our battle is to believe this whether we feel His presence or not. He is in us!
'''6. It's not us living for God.''' It's us living from God. Galatians 2:20 says, "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me." David said in Psalm 139:7–9, "Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go to heaven, You are there. If I make my bed in Sheol, You are there...and Your right hand will hold me."
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I am not separated from God in any way. He is an ever-present help in my time of trouble. His ever-presence brings me help! I recognize that He is already in me. That's what makes my faith work. God is not far off. He is right here, right now. I am surrounded by His love and enveloped in His presence. Therefore I am not afraid. I am not trying to live FOR God; I am living FROM Him. His power is in me. His presence is in me. His love is in me. And nothing can ever separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus my Lord! Amen.''
=Day Sixteenth: Small Thinking=
Today we are fasting from '''small thinking'''. THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE EVERYTHING!
Small thinking produces small living. If we set up small expectations for our lives, that's what we'll get. The problem with that mindset is that God is bigger than we ever imagined, and has bigger plans for us than we’ve ever dreamed. Time to ditch small thinking!
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. Your god is too small!''' Everything changes when we LET GO OF A SMALL GOD. How big is your God? Scientists estimate there are over 100 billion galaxies, and 100 billion stars in each of them! And God created them & calls them all by name. He’s BIG.
'''2. How big is He?''' He’s big enough to take away the sin of the world; to allow us to make mistakes without punishment; to put great dreams in human hearts; & big enough to not have to threaten us to accept Him. He’s a BIG BIG GOD!
'''3. Think big! Renew your mind to God’s language.''' For example: “Ask for the nations” (Psalm 2); “Speak to the mountain” (Mark 11); “Your descendants shall be as numerous as the stars” (Genesis 15); “You shall possess the land” (Numbers 13), and so on. God uses big language and gives us big dreams!
'''4. Ask big! Get your Jabez on!''' He prayed: Lord, bless me indeed. Enlarge my territory . . .” Ask Him that today . . .” and God granted his request.” Ephesians 3:20 says, “God is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we can ask or think.” Start asking and thinking the way God says to.
'''5. Never stop dreaming and envisioning a better life.''' In [[Acts 2:17]] God says, “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.” You see? He says, “Old men will dream dreams” because even as we get older, we are not supposed to stop dreaming! God wants you to keep dreaming no matter what!
'''6. Take your seat! What do I mean?''' God has seated us with Jesus Christ in heavenly places ([[Ephesians 2:6]]). We have been given a divine authority and divine point of view. That’s how we need to look at life— from our position, seated above all limitations!
'''7. Imprint this on your heart and mind: royalty destroys inferiority!''' Acquaint yourself with your new bloodline. You are royalty in Christ. This makes you reign over life ([[Romans 5:17]]). When you know that you are made righteous and made royal by His blood, it makes you as confident and bold as a lion! Believe it!
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I give up small thinking. I let go of a small god. I agree with God’s way of looking at things and God’s language. I decide to think bigger and bigger every day and to ask for the things God said I could ask for. I accept the visions and dreams that the Holy Spirit wants to give me; and I let go of all failure, disappointment, and fear-based thoughts, in Jesus’ Name!''
=Day Seventeenth: My Life Is Not That Special=
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"My life is not that special."'''
Though hard to admit, this mentality is often under the surface of our lives. It's a mindset that hems us into a mediocre and boring existence.
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. You have a destiny.''' Believe it. [[Jeremiah 1:5]] says, “Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, I knew you and destined you . . .”
'''2. Remember the song, “You’re just too good to be true.''' Can’t take my eyes off of you?” This is what God is saying about you! [[Genesis 16:13]]<nowiki/>a says, “You are the God who sees me!”
'''3. You cannot go unnoticed.''' [[Luke 8:47]] says, “Then, the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at His feet.” You are chosen by God.
'''4. Jesus is coming over!''' Remember Zacchaeus climbing up a tree to see Jesus? In [[Luke 19:5]], “Jesus looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, come down. I must stay at your house today.’” He wants to come to YOUR house today. YOU ARE THAT IMPORTANT TO HIM.
'''5. You are the apple of the Father’s eye.''' Whoever touches you is touching the apple of God’s eye. You are God’s greatest desire. You bring Him great joy!
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I have a destiny. I am chosen by God. I cannot go unnoticed by Jesus. He sees me, and recognizes me, and calls me His own. He is coming over to my house because He loves me and considers me significant. I reject all feelings of insignificance and unimportance. I am the apple of His eye, in Jesus’ Name!''
=Day Eighteenth: I Can't Stop=
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"I can't stop."'''
Quitting a habit, a sin or an addiction can be one of the hardest things in life, but it becomes easy when we realise Jesus not only died to forgive our sins; but also to give us power over sin and to free us from being in bondage to anything.
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. Stop trying to stop.''' Instead, just continue to fast from wrong thinking. [[Proverbs 23:7]] says, “As a man thinks, so is he.” Your thoughts will shape your decisions; your decisions will shape your actions; your actions will shape your habits.
'''2. Awaken to the grace of God.''' [[Romans 6:14]] tells us that sin does not have dominion over us “ . . . for we are not under the law but under grace.” Embrace the grace! It is the free, unearned, and undeserved love of God!
'''3. Grace empowers.''' [[Titus 2:11]] says, “It is the grace of God that enables and instructs us to resist and deny ungodliness.” Go to God’s throne of grace right now and ask for His help.
'''4. His yoke is easy.''' You are yoked to Jesus. That means He will carry the weight of your struggle and walk you through it.
'''5. Change happens to you, not by you.''' [[Romans 12:2]] says, “Be transformed.” This is something that happens TO you, as you renew your mind to God’s Word. It’s happening to you right now as you fast from wrong thinking! And as you fill your mind with God’s goodness, it LEADS you to “repentance” (which is: to change your thinking, [[Romans 2:4]]).
'''6. “There ain’t no can’t.”''' (Quote from Mickey to Rocky in the movie, Rocky II.) Get rid of “can’t” from your vocabulary and your mindset. You can do all things through Christ.
'''7. Stop beating yourself up about what you haven’t done.''' We often punish ourselves with self-condemnation. We will never do enough for God. That’s why Jesus did it all. He paid for sin, the curse, and our failure. Our job is to believe.
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I am not under the bondage or control of any sin, habit, or problem in my life anymore. I am under the grace of God, giving me dominion over sin and temptation. I am yoked to Jesus. Therefore, it is His strength that I walk in. As I renew my mind to the Word of God, I am being changed and transformed, in Jesus' Name!''
=Day Nineteenth: I Don't Have Enough=
Most people know the benefits of fasting from food, but fasting from wrong thinking has been an untapped treasure & force—until now! As you continue this amazing journey and tap into this power, you will be transformed!
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"I don't have enough."'''
This is a mindset that says, "I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough time. I don’t have enough friends. I don’t have enough education, etc." These thoughts build an invisible fence that keeps you in the backyard of lack and deficiency.
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. Believe in God's abundant provision.''' Our God calls Himself: El Shaddai, the God of more than enough. We have more than enough of God living inside of us ([[Romans 8:11]]). Let's stop thinking in terms of not enough and start thinking in terms of more than enough.
'''2. Think multiplication.''' God said: Be fruitful and multiply. He is a multiplier, and so are you. Believe in the God of multiplication!
In [[1 Kings 17]], there was more than enough for Elijah and the widow.
In Exodus 16, there was more than enough for the children of Israel every day.
In John 6, there was more than enough bread left over after Jesus fed the 5000.
In Mark 5, there was more than enough anointing to heal Jairus, the woman with the issue of blood, and all the people that were sitting nearby!
'''3. Think: apple orchard.''' An apple seed becomes an apple orchard. One little seed becomes more than enough apples for a whole community! Believe in the power of a seed.
'''4. Seed meets need.''' Remember, even God cannot multiply a seed that you don't sow. Sow a seed ([[Mark 4:26]]).
'''5. Be patient.''' Farmers understand there is seed, time, and harvest ([[Genesis 8:22]]). Don't forget that time is the connector between the seed and the harvest.
'''6. God is not trying to get something from you; He's trying to get something to you.''' Trust. Let go. As you let go of what you have in your hand, you are able to receive what God is trying to put in your hand! Give, and it will be given back to you in good measure ([[Luke 6:38]]).
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I always have enough, because [[Philippians 4:19]] says, God shall supply ALL my needs, according to His riches. I always have enough, because My God is more than enough. I believe that seeds meet needs. I am a sower, and therefore I am a reaper. God is a multiplier, and so am I. I am called to be fruitful and multiply. God is multiplying every good seed that I have ever sown. As I give, He gives back to me good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, in Jesus' Name!''
=Day Twenty: It's Just so Hard to be a Christian=
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"It's just so hard to be a Christian."'''
We are going to break this mentality once and for all, because it is the single most often misunderstood concept that is keeping believers defeated. Jesus said to take His yoke because it's easy and His burden is light. That's the grace of God! He did the heavy lifting, and now our job is to enter into His rest.
The feeling of failure can be disheartening and depressing. It can keep us in a cycle of defeat.
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. It’s not hard to be something you already are.''' Jesus made you a Christian, and there’s nothing that can change that. You’re a new creation! You are already more than a conqueror! You don’t have to TRY to be a human. You are one! In the same way: You ARE a Christian!
'''2. It is He who made us, and not we ourselves.''' Selah—pause and think on that. HE MADE YOU A CHRISTIAN. And you can’t undo what God has done.
'''3. Jesus did it all.''' When He said, “It is finished,” in [[John 19:30]], He meant: “The debt is paid; the sentence is served; the victory is won! I did everything necessary for you to be saved and at peace.” Now, just believe it.
'''4. Start realising “Christian” means “Christ-IN”.''' He is in you. It’s impossible for you to fail at being a Christian, when the anointing, the Christ, is at work within you.
'''5. His yoke is easy. Reverse your thinking.''' Think, “It’s easy to be a Christian.” His yoke is easy. His burden is light. You are yoked/connected/hitched to Him!
'''6. Rest in the fact that you don’t have to be perfect.''' God is not holding you to a perfect standard. Jesus is your perfection. Just rest in this truth!
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''It is easy to live the Christian life because God already made me more than a conqueror. Jesus did it all! His life is in me. His love is in me. His power is in me. His Spirit is in me. Therefore, I cannot fail as a Christian! I am not alone, and never will be. I am yoked to Him, and that’s why I can enjoy my relationship WITH God, rather than strive to fulfill a duty FOR God. I am free, in Jesus’ Name!''
=Day Twenty-One: I Feel Like I've Failed=
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, '''"I feel like I've failed,"''' or '''"I've failed in my relationship with God, in my faith, and in my life, etc."''' The feeling of failure can be disheartening and depressing. It can keep us in a cycle of defeat.
==Let's change that negative thought today!==
'''1. You have comeback DNA in you.''' Even in what seems like the worst situation, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. Expect your comeback! You have resurrection DNA in you!
'''2. Falling isn’t failing.''' [[Proverbs 24:16]] says, “A righteous man falls seven times, but he rises again! You are righteous in Christ. See yourself as someone who rises up. When you’ve fallen, you have the right to get back up.
'''3. Jesus gets His prayers answered.''' And He is praying for you, that your faith would not fail. [[Luke 22:32]] tells us that Jesus said to Peter (and to you), “I have prayed for you, that your faith would not fail.” You are not going to fail. No shame! Get up.
'''4. Jesus is turning TO you, not FROM you!''' In [[Luke 22:61]], Jesus turned TO Peter after he denied Him. He didn’t turn FROM him. You are accepted! This acceptance transformed Peter’s life after he hit rock bottom. God accepts you, just like He accepted Peter, even when you’ve failed.
'''5. Even when you’re doing poorly, God will NOT FAIL you.''' He’s going to make sure you make it. Your relationship with Him was His idea, not yours. He will finish what He started.
'''6. In one moment, God can turn around years of apparent failure.''' In [[Esther 9:1]], God’s people were about to be destroyed, but God suddenly delivered them. In only ONE DAY, the tables were turned, and God transformed certain defeat into total victory! If God could accomplish this for them, He will do it for you!
==Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it==
''I have comeback DNA in me! It’s my new nature to always rise, even when I’ve fallen. I have the blood-bought right to get back up when I’ve failed! Jesus doesn’t turn from me when I’ve fallen; He turns to me and prays for me. I cannot fail. He will not fail me. His love will never fail toward me. I am expecting God to turn my failures and frustrations around beginning today, in Jesus’ Name!''

Latest revision as of 12:00, 24 January 2024

Every day, our minds are flooded with a constant stream of thoughts. Ranging from mundane daily tasks to deeper contemplations about life and the world around us. According to research, the average person has approximately 60,000 thoughts per day.

But what is truly concerning is that 75% of these thoughts are negative - about 45,000 - and 95% are repetitive. Many of our negative thoughts are driven by the flight or fight part of our brain. This constant barrage of negative and repetitive thoughts can significantly impact our mental health, happiness, and overall quality of life.

The impact of negative and repetitive thoughts can significantly impact our mental health and overall well-being. They can lead to increased stress and anxiety, decreased self-esteem, and a general sense of unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life.

Moreover, repetitive thoughts can become deeply ingrained in our minds, making it difficult to change our thought patterns and break free from negative thinking. This negativity can result in a feeling of being stuck, unable to move forward, and lacking motivation to change our circumstances.

Over the next few days, we will learn how to renew our minds in and through Jesus Christ by replacing those negative thoughts with positive and Godly ones. We will repent from those old mindsets and replace them with new positive, beautiful-promised thoughts.

Just as God designs a butterfly to soar, so are you! However, the butterfly can only emerge in its beautiful colour and magnificent wings after it has been transformed within the warm cocoon of its Creator! This Fast from Wrong Thinking is your cocoon. As you wrap your mind in God’s thoughts over the next 21 days, you too will miraculously be transformed!

Ready to fly? Let’s Go!

Day One: I Can't Change

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, "I Can’t Change."

We’ve all felt at times that we can’t change a certain habit or a weakness in our lives. We often feel “confined” by whatever has previously “defined” us. But as we change our mindsets regarding WHO we are and what God has given us, ANYTHING can change. Today a new hope will be born in you!

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Awaken to God’s grace. Titus 2:12 says, “This same grace teaches us how to live each day as we turn our backs on ungodliness and indulgent lifestyles, and it equips us to live self-controlled, upright, godly lives in this present age.” (TPT)

His grace empowers us to change, break a habit or be free from our past. The river of grace is always flowing. Just step into it and receive IT!

2. Believe that the power to change is a GIFT. 2 Timothy 2:25 says God grants "repentance," or "the power to change," AS A GIFT. The ability to experience lasting change in any area of our life is a gift from God. Receive the gift of repentance, or “the gift to change,” by FAITH. Ask for it and receive it. God gives generously when you believe! (James 1:6)

3. All change begins by believing you are loved by God. Romans 2:4b says, “Do you realize that all the wealth of his extravagant kindness is meant to melt your heart and lead you into repentance?" (TPT)

4. Notice, in that verse, that His love and kindness change the way we think; THEN they change the way we act. All lasting change begins by surrendering my thought life to the Word of God. (Romans 12:2)

2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

5. Believe in the process that leads to progress. Don’t worry if it doesn’t happen right away. Jesus touched the blind man once, then touched him a second time, before he was completely healed. (Mark 8:22–26) I believe these next 21 days are going to be your SECOND touch from Jesus.

6. Redefine yourself ONLY as what God says about you. Disconnect from past definitions of your habits, traits, and limitations. You are being changed into His image. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

God has given me the gift to change. My habits, emotions, and life are changed by changing the way I think. I submit to the process of renewing my mind, and I expect divine progress. I refuse to accept past definitions and limitations of myself. As I embrace God’s view of me through His Word, I am being changed into His image, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Two: I Am Powerless

When we feel powerless over our past, we feel guilty. When we feel powerless over our future, we feel afraid. When we feel powerless over the present, we feel depressed. And when we feel like the people or circumstances of our lives just won't change, we feel angry.

A sense of powerlessness is the root of all negative emotions.

The thought that there's not much we can do about the economy, or our weight, or the allergies we grew up with forces us to accept and tolerate a mediocre and weak life.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Take inventory! God has NOT given you a spirit of fear; but POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND. (2 Timothy 1:7)

2. Believe that power is in you. Ephesians 3:20 says, "God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that is at work within you." There is power in you that enables God to do beyond what you can ask or think!

3. Think and ask big! Give God something to work with, because He can do beyond. We have to at least give Him a base to begin with.

4. Recognise the Holy Spirit in you. Acts 1:8 says, "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you..." This power (dunamis = dynamite) is already in you. Romans 8:11 says, "The very same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives IN YOU."

5. Take the limits off. Don’t limit God. Psalm 78:41 says that the children of Israel limited the Lord because they did not remember His power (verse 42). We free God’s hand to bless when we remember His previous blessings.

6. Be expectant. Never underestimate the power of expectation. Expect God’s power to strengthen you today. Expect to be led by His Spirit.

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I have POWER in my life right now. Through the Holy Spirit in me, I have the power to overcome temptation, the power to change my life for the better, the power to be healed, the power to forgive, and the power to speak God’s Word and see His promises show up in my life. I will think big and ask big, and therefore the POWER OF GOD’S SPIRIT WITHIN ME will bring it to pass in my life, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Three: I Am Afraid

Fear is at the root of just about every negative thing that happens in our lives. We’re afraid of failing; afraid of being alone or rejected; afraid of running out of money; afraid that people will let us down; afraid that we won’t find a spouse or the one we found will leave us.

All fear is rooted in the core belief that God’s Word won’t work. For example, the fear of not having enough is rooted in the fear that Philippians 4:19 isn’t true. If you believe that “God will supply all your needs according to His riches . . .” then fear leaves.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Meditate on the fact that God’s Word is true. In John 17:17, Jesus said, “Thy Word is truth.” What God says is fact—whether you feel it, see it, or have ever experienced it.

2. Consider God’s track record. 1 Kings 8:56 says, “. . . Every word has come true of all His good promise . . .” (NLV). Fear leaves when you can rely on something that can’t fail. God has never failed to fulfill His promises. There are over 1000 predictions or prophecies in the Bible—promises that God made before they happened. The chances of merely 17 of these coming to pass are 1 out of 450 billion x 1 billion x 1 trillion! Yet, not one of these promises has failed.

3. Accept the truth that what we fear comes upon us. In Job 3:25, Job feared that his children would curse God, and that’s what happened. When you realise fear has the power to produce negative results, you stop dabbling in it. When a child learns what fire can do, he no longer plays with matches!

4. Perfect love casts out fear. (1 John 4:18) Flood your mind with thoughts of love—God’s love for you and what He was willing to do to rescue you. If He would die for you, while you were in sin and separated from God, there’s just nothing He wouldn’t do for you! Think on that, and fear will leave.

5. There is a promise from God’s Word for every need you will ever experience. In fact, there are over 7000 promises in the Bible. That’s 7000 solutions to life’s problems! For example, there is a promise of protection in Psalm 91:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, which delivers you from the fear of evil, sickness, or tragedy.

6. Pause and dwell on the fact that God is with you. God’s presence is the secret to a fear-free life. Ultimately, all fear is a sense of God’s absence or our separation from God. By contrast, a sense of God’s presence delivers us from fear. Hebrews 10:19 says, “We are in His presence by the blood of Jesus.” You are in His presence now—therefore, fear not!

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

God’s Word is true, whether I feel it or not. He has kept all of His promises and has never failed. I am in God’s presence by the blood of Jesus; therefore, because He is with me, I will fear no evil! God loves me perfectly, casting out all fear. I have power, love, and a sound mind, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Four: I Don’t Feel Loved

We have embarked upon the most significant journey of our lives: fasting from wrong thinking. And today's thought is probably the most important one any of us ever deal with at a deep level.

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I don't feel loved."

The number-one need in every human life is to be loved. Yet sadly, so few actually enjoy a life where they actually feel loved.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. God’s not mad at you, He’s mad about you. Dispel the myth of an angry God. He poured out His wrath on Jesus while on the cross, so He could pour out His love on you forever. "God is love." (1 John 4:8)

2. Our feelings follow our thoughts. Flood your mind with the thought, "My Heavenly Father tenderly loves me!" (John 16:27 AMP) You and God are inseparable. Nothing can separate you from Him or His love. Believe this with every fiber in your being!

3. Recognise your value. The value of a piece of art is not determined by the cost to make it, but rather by how much someone would pay to have it. God paid for us with the blood of Jesus. That makes us as valuable to God, as Jesus Himself! You are priceless!

4. You don’t have to earn something God has already given. He loves you. That can’t be earned. It is a gift from God (John 3:16). Accept it. Your value is not determined by what you’ve done or not done. Just be loved.

5. Reject the voices of rejection. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are chosen by God, accepted, and outrageously loved by your Heavenly Father!

6. Know your calling. By this, I’m not referring to your calling to serve in ministry or your profession. I’m talking about what God calls you. He calls you His beloved continually in the Bible. Do a word search. You are His beloved. So, be loved!

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

God is not mad at me, He’s mad about me! I am outrageously loved by Him! His love was shown on the cross and His love and favor are for a lifetime! My Heavenly Father tenderly loves me. Therefore, I will feel His love today! He continually calls me His beloved. Nothing can separate me from His love. I am valuable and priceless to Him. I am as valuable to God as Jesus is. I receive His love by faith, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Five: Happiness Is So Hard To Find

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "Happiness is so hard to find."

There is no higher or deeper desire in the heart of mankind than happiness. It is the single most intoxicating emotion that drives every decision and pursuit of mankind.

People have been looking for happiness—trying to buy it, trade for it, or discover it—since time began. But it's not hard to find.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. You don’t have to find happiness. It will find you! Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33 that as we seek His kingdom "...all these things will be added to you." Expect happiness to be added to you as you put His kingdom first. How do you do that? Start each day by planting the seed of God’s Word in your life.

2. Happy is the man who does not condemn himself. Refuse to tolerate condemnation another second of your life. Romans 8:1 says, "there is no condemnation". Believe that Jesus freed you from condemnation, and happiness will come!

3. Treat unhappiness as a signal to trust God. Jeremiah 17:7 says, "Happy is the man that trusts in the Lord." Declare that you trust Him today!

4. The supreme happiness in life is the assurance that you are loved. You can be sure God loves you—no matter what. Nothing can separate you from His love. Think on that.

5. God will help you be happy today. Psalm 146:5 says, "Happy is he whose help and hope are in the Lord." Ask for His help today. Ask Him for hope today. Believe you have received it, and joy will come.

6. In His presence is fullness of Joy. Be mindful that you are in His presence now, by the blood of Jesus. And the Holy Spirit lives in you! It will change your view of life.

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I have the fullness of joy and happiness in life because I am in God’s presence, and the Holy Spirit lives in me. I walk in the supreme happiness of life, knowing that I am loved by God. I refuse to condemn myself because there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. God will always help me, and my hope is in Him. Therefore, I am happy, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Six: I Feel Anxious

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I feel anxious."

All of us deal with anxiety at various times in our lives. Some of the symptoms of anxiety include: heart palpitations, tension, fatigue, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach aches, and headaches. You don't have to live this way.

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phillipians 4:6,7 (NKJV)

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Treat anxiety as a signal rather than a condition. It is a signal to pray, and prayer will change the thing you are facing.

2. More praying about it = less worrying about it. James 5:16 says, "The prayer of the righteous avails much." Stop trying to SUBTRACT the anxiety. Instead, just ADD prayer the moment you feel it, and anxiety will leave!

3. When panic attacks, attack back! How do you attack anxiety and panic? By speaking God's Word out of your mouth.

4. It's not your fault! Embrace this truth. Don't blame yourself for feeling anxious. It's the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Stop beating yourself up when you feel anxiety. Instead, beat up on the enemy by speaking God's Word.

5. Remember your value. Because you are so valuable in God's eyes, He will care for you. Yes, He values you, because He paid for you with the blood of Jesus! Worry and anxiety lose their power when you remember your value.

6. Breathe praise to God. "Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord" (Psalm 150:6). Experts agree that breathing literally helps manage anxiety. But when you BREATHE praise to God, you don't just manage anxiety, you MASTER it.

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

Anxiety has lost its power over me. When I feel anxious, it is a signal to pray and praise God. When I add prayer, anxiety is subtracted. Because I am so valuable to God, I know that He will take care of me. I attack panic by speaking the Word of God. The Prince of Peace lives inside of me, therefore, I have peace guarding my heart and mind. I breathe praise to God today, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Seven: The "Problem-Focused" Mentality

Today we're fasting from what I call the "problem-focused" mentality. The problem-focused mentality just sees and reports the problem.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Never be satisfied with just recognising a problem. There are enough critics and complainers in the world. The world needs solution-minded people, not just those who can report a problem.

2. We are compensated in life for the problems we solve, not the problems we merely recognise. In Genesis 41, Joseph not only recognised the famine coming, but he offered a solution for the famine. As a result, he became the most powerful man in the world. Even Pharaoh bowed his heart to Joseph and recognised his power.

3. Love math! What do I mean? Mathematics is a great discipline because it proves there is a solution to every problem. Whether you liked math in school, we need to get this: There is a solution to everything. Look for it.

4. You have the mind of Christ. With His mind, you will find His solutions. With every problem man created, God had a solution. And you have His mind!

5. Lean on the Holy Spirit. As we are led by the Holy Spirit and pray in the Holy Spirit, we bring His solutions into our situation. Romans 8:2627 says, “the Spirit helps our weaknesses. For we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us . . . according to the will [solutions] of God.”

6. Stop talking about the problem and start talking to it. Jesus said, “If you shall say to this mountain, be removed and cast into the sea, and do not doubt . . . it shall obey you.” Use your mouth to move the problem.

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I believe that God will give me the interpretations to life’s problems and that He will bless me with wisdom and answers. I believe there is a solution to every problem because I have the mind of Christ. I welcome the Holy Spirit to pray through me and bring God’s will and solutions to my life and the lives of those around me, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Eight: It's Imposible

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "It's impossible." Jesus said, "All things are possible to him who believes" (Mark 9:23). What is in your life today that you have given up on or considered impossible? Whatever it is (provided it's legal!), don't ever give up. Never, never, never give up. So today, let's fast from the thought that says, "It's impossible."

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Think about the resurrection every day. This reveals the miraculous power of God to do anything! We tend to save these thoughts for Easter, but we need to think about the resurrection all the time. It awakens hope and faith in the possibilities of God.

2. Stop thinking or saying, "I can't believe that." Cynicism and skepticism have filled our culture. We need to get out of the habit of questioning and doubting the possibility of things. When you think there is no way, remember that JESUS IS THE WAY! (John 14:6)

3. Deal with the real problem. It's not whether God will help. It's whether we believe. The man with the demon-possessed son came to Jesus and said, "If you can do anything, help us . . ." Jesus responded and said, "If you can believe . . ." See? It's not whether God can do it. It's whether we can believe it. And remember that faith comes from hearing God's Word (Romans 10:17).

4. You are BIGGER than a mountain. Believe that your words move mountains. Matthew 17:20 says, "You shall say to this mountain, 'Remove from here to there,' and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you." That's big! You're big!

5. Meditate on people who had an impossible turnaround. Abraham was 99 years old when he had a son. Sarah was 90! Moses parted the Red Sea. The list goes on and on. Find those people in the Bible and fill your mind with their testimonies. Hebrews 12:1 says, "We have a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us . . ." If it could happen for them, it can happen for you, and it will.

6. God CAN'T lie. There is only ONE THING in this world that is impossible: it's impossible for God to lie (Hebrews 6:18). Don't throw away your confidence in God's promises. He will fulfill them.

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

All things are possible for me, because I believe God's Word. All of His promises are possible because all His promises are "Yes"; and He can't lie. Jesus is the WAY when it seems like there is no way. Faith comes as I hear God's Word; and faith moves the impossible mountain as I speak God's Word today, in Jesus' Name!

Day Nine: I Feel Like a Victim

I'm so glad we're on this journey together. We are a part of a revolution—from the inside out. Our lives don't improve through external changes, but rather from the inside out.

Today we're fasting from thought that says, "I feel like a victim." The worst prison in the world is the one we put ourselves in—our mind.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. No one can keep you in your current situation, except you. We must begin TODAY to accept total responsibility to become victors, not victims. You are MORE than a conqueror--more than a victor. Romans 8:37.

2. People may have had something to do with how you got in the situation, but only YOU can decide whether you stay in the situation.

3. The victim mentality ends when we TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for our attitude and direction in life. Deuteronomy 30:15,19 says, "See, I have set before you this day, life and prosperity and death and adversity . . . so choose life, that both you and your descendants might LIVE (the victorious, abundant, God kind of life)."

4. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Full responsibility doesn't mean that we're in it alone. God is on our side, and He will help us. It's natural to look for help—but let's get it from God. John 16:13 says the Holy Spirit is our Helper! When you have His help, you don't need to blame anyone for anything! We blame when we feel helpless—but we're NOT!

5. Understand the root word of responsibility is response. We may not be able to control everything that others do to us, but we can control our RESPONSE. In our response lies our freedom and our growth!

6. Don't give away your power. We give away our power to live in victory, health, and success—when we allow others to determine how we RESPOND. We have the power to forgive, the power to recover, and the power to overcome anything. When we blame others, we give away that power to them.

7. TAKE CHARGE OVER WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN YOU. The master said to the servant who hid his talent, "Why didn't you at least invest my money so I could have received interest?" (Matthew 25:2427) He blamed the master and excused himself. As a result, he fell to the temptation of resentment and fear. He lost everything because he had a victim mentality.

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

No one can keep me down! I am not a victim. I am a victor. I take full responsibility for my responses in life—my attitudes and my decisions. Holy Spirit, I am asking for your help. You live in me, and you are my Helper! I refuse to give away my power by blaming others. I take responsibility for my thoughts, my actions and my REACTIONS. I abandon the idea that my situation is the fault of anyone else. I am an overcomer. I am more than a conqueror, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Ten: I’m Feeling Offended

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I'm feeling offended."

We all know what's it like to be treated wrongly or unfairly; to be talked about or lied about. It's easy to become offended and feel that we have the right to feel that way. But this is a destructive trap.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Being offended traps you. Skandalon (offense) is the trigger of a well-baited trap. When an animal touches the trigger of a snare, it snaps down on him and he is trapped. When you are offended, you are the one caught in the trap. By thinking and knowing this, it will empower you to stay out of the traps.

2. Being offended comes from self-righteousness. We think, "How could they do that to me? I would never have done that!" But we have all sinned. (Romans 3:23) Embrace humility with the sure knowledge that you have failed, too. And offense loses its grip on you.

3. You can't afford to pay attention! 1 Corinthians 13:5 (Amplified Bible) says, "Love (God's love in us) is not touchy or fretful or resentful." Why? "Because it pays no attention to a suffered wrong." We get offended when we pay attention to the wrong we have suffered. Stop paying attention. It's too expensive.

4. Take back control. We let others control us when we pay attention to what they did to us. What God did FOR you is greater than what others have done TO you. Focus on what God has done for you.

5. Express UP, not OUT. Fully express your anger and hurt out loud to God. Tell Him how much it hurt. Forgive the offender (out loud to God) whether you feel anything or not; and ask Him to heal you.

6. NOTHING CAN OFFEND YOU! How is that possible? Psalm 119:165 says that those who love the Word have great peace, and nothing offends them. One of the meanings of the Greek word for "love" is "attachment." Attach yourself to what God says, and you'll detach from the power of what others have done or said to you. That's what it means to love God's Word.

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I am free from being offended. I am free from the emotions of offense, bitterness, and the right to feel mad. I will not be trapped by those feelings. I love God's Word. I attach myself to what He said and did. I refuse to pay attention to the wrong done to me. I forgive and release those that have hurt me. I express my feelings to God, and I am healed, in Jesus' Name!

Day Eleven: I Feel Depressed

Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I feel depressed."

We have all felt it at times. Depression is now the leading cause of disability in the world. So often, depression is anger turned inward at ourselves for our shortcomings and mistakes.

Perhaps you’ve thought: “Life’s a drag; what’s the use; I’ll never be happy.” These thoughts are designed to rob you of the joy and confidence that produces supernatural strength in our lives.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Stop condemning yourself. Condemnation is a mindset that robs you of joy and peace. Romans 14:22 says, “Happy is the man who does not condemn himself . . .” Don’t condemn yourself because God doesn’t condemn you.

2. God’s still working on you! Philippians 1:6 tells us to lighten up on ourselves. He began a good work in you; He’ll finish it! Trust God that you’re making progress. You’re not standing still.

3. Tap into the power of believing. 1 Peter 1:8 says: “ . . . though you do not see Him now, you BELIEVE in Him, and are filled with inexpressible and glorious joy.” Believe the promise of God regardless of what you feel, and depression will begin to leave.

4. REJECT Shame. Jesus took your shame on the cross. No matter what you feel or what you’ve done. We are all dealing with something. If you feel darkness, remember: God is with you, even in the valley.

5. Surround yourself with positive people. Positive thinking and speaking are contagious, just as negative thinking is. Surround yourself only with those who create an atmosphere of victory with their attitude and words.

6. Remember, you are not helpless. Thoughts of helplessness bring depression. The Holy Spirit is our Helper. He has not left you alone and He will never leave you alone.

7. Depression comes from a sense of powerlessness. You have the power to pray and receive the answer—this sense of power brings joy.

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I will never be depressed another day in my life. I decide to stop condemning myself and beating myself up for my shortcomings. I believe God is working in me every day. I am not a negative thinker. I am positive. God is for me, with me and in me, therefore depression cannot stay. I am not helpless because I have the Holy Spirit living in me. I command every ounce of depression to loose me and let me go. I command it to be removed and cast into the sea, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Twelve: I Can't Shake My Past.

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I can't shake my past." Often our past is what limits us and keeps us defeated.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Meet the new you. You truly are a new creation—if you are in Christ. The old has passed away. Your past is over!

2. God will use your past. Live in Romans 8:28. All things, including your past, work for your GOOD! While your past is over, God can still make it work to your advantage. Believe that.

3. You are more than a conqueror. That means your past doesn’t conquer you! You have conquered it, by being in Christ. You’re the head and not the tail! See yourself that way, and your past loses its grip on you.

4. You are not guilty. No matter how guilty you were, you have been pronounced by Jesus as “NOT GUILTY”. Jesus has washed all your sins away (Romans 8:34). That’s how God sees you. Now, you can start seeing yourself that way.

5. You can shake it off! In Acts 28:5 Paul shook off a serpent from his hand. And you have the power to do so as well. Nothing can harm you anymore—not even your past mistakes or shortcomings. Shake it off by speaking to it!

6. Have a funeral for regret. Kiss regret goodbye. Have a burial service for whatever is nagging you. Take 20 seconds and pray this funeral prayer: “Lord, I thank you that this sin or mistake of my past is dead and gone. You have removed it & forgotten it, therefore so do I! I shake it off and commit it to You.”

And thus concludes this funeral service for your past!

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; and no matter how bad my past is, it’s not only forgiven—it’s washed away! I am more than a conqueror, and I will not be pushed around by memories or people from my past. Because of the blood of Jesus, I am not guilty. I shake off my past. I declare it is over, and I expect God will turn my situation around for good in some miraculous way, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Thirteenth: I Haven't Done Enough

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I haven't done enough." When things don't go our way, we sometimes have this nagging thought that we're not holy enough or haven't prayed enough to qualify us for God's blessing or favour.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. We get what Jesus deserves. Romans 8:17 tells us that we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ. His inheritance is ours. 1 John 4:17 says, "As He is, so are we in this world." This is the great exchange! We deserved the curse, but instead, we get His blessing (Galatians 3:13).

2. Be covenant-minded. You have a covenant with God (Hebrews 8:1213). A covenant is a contract—in this case, a contract that is guaranteed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

3. Be grace-minded. Grace is when God gives us what we don't deserve. Hebrews 4:15 says, "Therefore, let us draw near with confidence [boldly] to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."

4. Have confidence in God, not in yourself. (1 John 3:2021) Confidence and faith enable God to answer prayers in our lives.

5. Reject condemnation. It is our heart that condemns us for our mistakes and shortcomings. When we feel condemned, we lose confidence, and then we believe we can't receive anything from God. (Hebrews 10:35)

6. Accept your freedom in Christ. There is now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ! (Romans 8:1)

7. Stop beating yourself up about what you haven't done. We often punish ourselves with self-condemnation. We will never do enough for God. That's why Jesus did it all. He paid for sin, sickness, the curse, and our failure. Our work, our battle, is to simply believe.

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I let go of the mind-set that tells me I'm not holy enough, or I haven't done enough to receive answered prayers. I receive His promises by faith. I am a joint heir with Jesus Christ. I expect to get what He deserves, not what I deserve. The throne of His grace is always open! His river of lavish love-gifts are always flowing toward me! I receive His grace, freely and lavishly, in Jesus' Name!

Day Fourteenth: That's Just The Way I Am

Today we are fasting from the thought that says: "That's just the way I am." One of the things that limits us and keeps us defeated is the opinion we have of ourselves. Over time, we begin to accept a version of ourselves that isn’t God’s version. We also accept other people’s stigmas of us: “He’s shy”; “She’s self-absorbed”; “He’s all talk”; “She’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer”. We often end up living up to the very opinions and expectations that others have had of us because it has conditioned us. So...

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. You are a work of art—a work in progress. God is the potter and we are the clay (Jeremiah 18:1,2,3,4,5 and 6). God is working on you to make you what He wants you to be. Trust the Artist to make a masterpiece. Be flexible and adaptable. See yourself as a GOOD work in progress.

2. Withhold judgment of yourself (or others). Philippians 1:6 says, “He who began a GOOD work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Don’t prejudge what your capacity is or what your potential is. He’s only just begun!

3. God doesn’t throw you out. HE NEVER GIVES UP ON YOU. Jeremiah 18:4 says, “The clay was marred, so He made it again.” He didn’t discard it. He made it again. Thank God! He’s re-making you!

4. You are changing as you are reading this! Whatever flaws you have, they are not the final sentence. You are NOW being transformed to the very image of Jesus!

5. EMBRACE the GRACE! Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:10, “I AM what I AM by the grace of God.” It’s God’s grace IN YOU that is making you what you are. You are not a composite of your parents’ mistakes, your mistakes, or others’ opinions of you. You’re awesome! You are a work of God’s grace.

6. Take another look! The Bible is a mirror that reflects what God and you really look like! We are everything God says we are. As Jesus is, so are we in this world!–1 John 4:17. THAT’S the way you are!

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I am unlimited in my ability to grow and change. God is the potter and I am the clay. I am what God says I am. He began a good work in me, and He will finish it. He is making me into something GOOD. I am His workmanship—His work of art. He’s good at this and has been doing it for a long time! I am not in bondage to my weaknesses and former limitations. They do not define me. Every day and every moment that passes is making me more and more like Jesus!

Day Fifteenth: God Is Far From Me

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "God is far from me." We must learn to not only discern between right and wrong, but we must discern between right and almost right. It's almost right to ask God to come down and help us. It sounds holy. It sounds humble. But you will truly be free when you discover, He is already here. Emmanuel means, "God WITH us." When Jesus came to the earth, He put an end to the separation between God and man.

Separation between us and God is a myth. The devil wants us to believe it to keep us powerless. We were separated from God through our sin (Isaiah 59:2), but Jesus took away the sin through His blood. Therefore, the moment we are born again, there is no separation anymore. We sometimes feel that He is so far away, but He is not. He is here. He is there.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Psalm 46:1 says, "He is an ever-present help in times of trouble." Wow! You have to love this thought. Have you ever had times of trouble? But notice, He is ever-present. Then, it says, help in times of trouble. It is His ever-presence that brings us help in times of trouble.

2. Take Him at His Word. Jesus said in Matthew 28:20, "Lo, I am with you always; even to the end of the age." There is no way to misinterpret this verse. Jesus is with YOU always. That has to warm your heart and comfort you.

3. Christianity is not a life of attainment, but a life of recognition. Philemon 6 says, "that your faith might become effective, through the acknowledgment of those things which are already in you, in Christ Jesus." Many people focus on attaining God's presence and God's blessing. But the Scripture is clear: Acknowledge. Recognise He is already in you. His gifts are already in you!

4. Christianity is not us finding God. It's that Jesus came and found us, spilled His blood to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, took us into His arms, and breathed His very Spirit into us. Now He lives in every person that has accepted Him as their Savior and Lord. Romans 8:11 tells us that the Spirit of God lives in us!

5. Resist the temptation to pray, "God, come down and help me," or, "Send Your Spirit." He has already come. He has already sent His Spirit. Our battle is to believe this whether we feel His presence or not. He is in us!

6. It's not us living for God. It's us living from God. Galatians 2:20 says, "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me." David said in Psalm 139:7–9, "Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go to heaven, You are there. If I make my bed in Sheol, You are there...and Your right hand will hold me."

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I am not separated from God in any way. He is an ever-present help in my time of trouble. His ever-presence brings me help! I recognize that He is already in me. That's what makes my faith work. God is not far off. He is right here, right now. I am surrounded by His love and enveloped in His presence. Therefore I am not afraid. I am not trying to live FOR God; I am living FROM Him. His power is in me. His presence is in me. His love is in me. And nothing can ever separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus my Lord! Amen.

Day Sixteenth: Small Thinking

Today we are fasting from small thinking. THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE EVERYTHING!

Small thinking produces small living. If we set up small expectations for our lives, that's what we'll get. The problem with that mindset is that God is bigger than we ever imagined, and has bigger plans for us than we’ve ever dreamed. Time to ditch small thinking!

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Your god is too small! Everything changes when we LET GO OF A SMALL GOD. How big is your God? Scientists estimate there are over 100 billion galaxies, and 100 billion stars in each of them! And God created them & calls them all by name. He’s BIG.

2. How big is He? He’s big enough to take away the sin of the world; to allow us to make mistakes without punishment; to put great dreams in human hearts; & big enough to not have to threaten us to accept Him. He’s a BIG BIG GOD!

3. Think big! Renew your mind to God’s language. For example: “Ask for the nations” (Psalm 2); “Speak to the mountain” (Mark 11); “Your descendants shall be as numerous as the stars” (Genesis 15); “You shall possess the land” (Numbers 13), and so on. God uses big language and gives us big dreams!

4. Ask big! Get your Jabez on! He prayed: Lord, bless me indeed. Enlarge my territory . . .” Ask Him that today . . .” and God granted his request.” Ephesians 3:20 says, “God is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we can ask or think.” Start asking and thinking the way God says to.

5. Never stop dreaming and envisioning a better life. In Acts 2:17 God says, “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.” You see? He says, “Old men will dream dreams” because even as we get older, we are not supposed to stop dreaming! God wants you to keep dreaming no matter what!

6. Take your seat! What do I mean? God has seated us with Jesus Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). We have been given a divine authority and divine point of view. That’s how we need to look at life— from our position, seated above all limitations!

7. Imprint this on your heart and mind: royalty destroys inferiority! Acquaint yourself with your new bloodline. You are royalty in Christ. This makes you reign over life (Romans 5:17). When you know that you are made righteous and made royal by His blood, it makes you as confident and bold as a lion! Believe it!

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I give up small thinking. I let go of a small god. I agree with God’s way of looking at things and God’s language. I decide to think bigger and bigger every day and to ask for the things God said I could ask for. I accept the visions and dreams that the Holy Spirit wants to give me; and I let go of all failure, disappointment, and fear-based thoughts, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Seventeenth: My Life Is Not That Special

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "My life is not that special."

Though hard to admit, this mentality is often under the surface of our lives. It's a mindset that hems us into a mediocre and boring existence.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. You have a destiny. Believe it. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, I knew you and destined you . . .”

2. Remember the song, “You’re just too good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off of you?” This is what God is saying about you! Genesis 16:13a says, “You are the God who sees me!”

3. You cannot go unnoticed. Luke 8:47 says, “Then, the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at His feet.” You are chosen by God.

4. Jesus is coming over! Remember Zacchaeus climbing up a tree to see Jesus? In Luke 19:5, “Jesus looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, come down. I must stay at your house today.’” He wants to come to YOUR house today. YOU ARE THAT IMPORTANT TO HIM.

5. You are the apple of the Father’s eye. Whoever touches you is touching the apple of God’s eye. You are God’s greatest desire. You bring Him great joy!

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I have a destiny. I am chosen by God. I cannot go unnoticed by Jesus. He sees me, and recognizes me, and calls me His own. He is coming over to my house because He loves me and considers me significant. I reject all feelings of insignificance and unimportance. I am the apple of His eye, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Eighteenth: I Can't Stop

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I can't stop."

Quitting a habit, a sin or an addiction can be one of the hardest things in life, but it becomes easy when we realise Jesus not only died to forgive our sins; but also to give us power over sin and to free us from being in bondage to anything.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Stop trying to stop. Instead, just continue to fast from wrong thinking. Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks, so is he.” Your thoughts will shape your decisions; your decisions will shape your actions; your actions will shape your habits.

2. Awaken to the grace of God. Romans 6:14 tells us that sin does not have dominion over us “ . . . for we are not under the law but under grace.” Embrace the grace! It is the free, unearned, and undeserved love of God!

3. Grace empowers. Titus 2:11 says, “It is the grace of God that enables and instructs us to resist and deny ungodliness.” Go to God’s throne of grace right now and ask for His help.

4. His yoke is easy. You are yoked to Jesus. That means He will carry the weight of your struggle and walk you through it.

5. Change happens to you, not by you. Romans 12:2 says, “Be transformed.” This is something that happens TO you, as you renew your mind to God’s Word. It’s happening to you right now as you fast from wrong thinking! And as you fill your mind with God’s goodness, it LEADS you to “repentance” (which is: to change your thinking, Romans 2:4).

6. “There ain’t no can’t.” (Quote from Mickey to Rocky in the movie, Rocky II.) Get rid of “can’t” from your vocabulary and your mindset. You can do all things through Christ.

7. Stop beating yourself up about what you haven’t done. We often punish ourselves with self-condemnation. We will never do enough for God. That’s why Jesus did it all. He paid for sin, the curse, and our failure. Our job is to believe.

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I am not under the bondage or control of any sin, habit, or problem in my life anymore. I am under the grace of God, giving me dominion over sin and temptation. I am yoked to Jesus. Therefore, it is His strength that I walk in. As I renew my mind to the Word of God, I am being changed and transformed, in Jesus' Name!

Day Nineteenth: I Don't Have Enough

Most people know the benefits of fasting from food, but fasting from wrong thinking has been an untapped treasure & force—until now! As you continue this amazing journey and tap into this power, you will be transformed!

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I don't have enough."

This is a mindset that says, "I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough time. I don’t have enough friends. I don’t have enough education, etc." These thoughts build an invisible fence that keeps you in the backyard of lack and deficiency.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Believe in God's abundant provision. Our God calls Himself: El Shaddai, the God of more than enough. We have more than enough of God living inside of us (Romans 8:11). Let's stop thinking in terms of not enough and start thinking in terms of more than enough.

2. Think multiplication. God said: Be fruitful and multiply. He is a multiplier, and so are you. Believe in the God of multiplication!

In 1 Kings 17, there was more than enough for Elijah and the widow.

In Exodus 16, there was more than enough for the children of Israel every day.

In John 6, there was more than enough bread left over after Jesus fed the 5000.

In Mark 5, there was more than enough anointing to heal Jairus, the woman with the issue of blood, and all the people that were sitting nearby!

3. Think: apple orchard. An apple seed becomes an apple orchard. One little seed becomes more than enough apples for a whole community! Believe in the power of a seed.

4. Seed meets need. Remember, even God cannot multiply a seed that you don't sow. Sow a seed (Mark 4:26).

5. Be patient. Farmers understand there is seed, time, and harvest (Genesis 8:22). Don't forget that time is the connector between the seed and the harvest.

6. God is not trying to get something from you; He's trying to get something to you. Trust. Let go. As you let go of what you have in your hand, you are able to receive what God is trying to put in your hand! Give, and it will be given back to you in good measure (Luke 6:38).

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I always have enough, because Philippians 4:19 says, God shall supply ALL my needs, according to His riches. I always have enough, because My God is more than enough. I believe that seeds meet needs. I am a sower, and therefore I am a reaper. God is a multiplier, and so am I. I am called to be fruitful and multiply. God is multiplying every good seed that I have ever sown. As I give, He gives back to me good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, in Jesus' Name!

Day Twenty: It's Just so Hard to be a Christian

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "It's just so hard to be a Christian."

We are going to break this mentality once and for all, because it is the single most often misunderstood concept that is keeping believers defeated. Jesus said to take His yoke because it's easy and His burden is light. That's the grace of God! He did the heavy lifting, and now our job is to enter into His rest.

The feeling of failure can be disheartening and depressing. It can keep us in a cycle of defeat.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. It’s not hard to be something you already are. Jesus made you a Christian, and there’s nothing that can change that. You’re a new creation! You are already more than a conqueror! You don’t have to TRY to be a human. You are one! In the same way: You ARE a Christian!

2. It is He who made us, and not we ourselves. Selah—pause and think on that. HE MADE YOU A CHRISTIAN. And you can’t undo what God has done.

3. Jesus did it all. When He said, “It is finished,” in John 19:30, He meant: “The debt is paid; the sentence is served; the victory is won! I did everything necessary for you to be saved and at peace.” Now, just believe it.

4. Start realising “Christian” means “Christ-IN”. He is in you. It’s impossible for you to fail at being a Christian, when the anointing, the Christ, is at work within you.

5. His yoke is easy. Reverse your thinking. Think, “It’s easy to be a Christian.” His yoke is easy. His burden is light. You are yoked/connected/hitched to Him!

6. Rest in the fact that you don’t have to be perfect. God is not holding you to a perfect standard. Jesus is your perfection. Just rest in this truth!

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

It is easy to live the Christian life because God already made me more than a conqueror. Jesus did it all! His life is in me. His love is in me. His power is in me. His Spirit is in me. Therefore, I cannot fail as a Christian! I am not alone, and never will be. I am yoked to Him, and that’s why I can enjoy my relationship WITH God, rather than strive to fulfill a duty FOR God. I am free, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Twenty-One: I Feel Like I've Failed

Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I feel like I've failed," or "I've failed in my relationship with God, in my faith, and in my life, etc." The feeling of failure can be disheartening and depressing. It can keep us in a cycle of defeat.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. You have comeback DNA in you. Even in what seems like the worst situation, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. Expect your comeback! You have resurrection DNA in you!

2. Falling isn’t failing. Proverbs 24:16 says, “A righteous man falls seven times, but he rises again! You are righteous in Christ. See yourself as someone who rises up. When you’ve fallen, you have the right to get back up.

3. Jesus gets His prayers answered. And He is praying for you, that your faith would not fail. Luke 22:32 tells us that Jesus said to Peter (and to you), “I have prayed for you, that your faith would not fail.” You are not going to fail. No shame! Get up.

4. Jesus is turning TO you, not FROM you! In Luke 22:61, Jesus turned TO Peter after he denied Him. He didn’t turn FROM him. You are accepted! This acceptance transformed Peter’s life after he hit rock bottom. God accepts you, just like He accepted Peter, even when you’ve failed.

5. Even when you’re doing poorly, God will NOT FAIL you. He’s going to make sure you make it. Your relationship with Him was His idea, not yours. He will finish what He started.

6. In one moment, God can turn around years of apparent failure. In Esther 9:1, God’s people were about to be destroyed, but God suddenly delivered them. In only ONE DAY, the tables were turned, and God transformed certain defeat into total victory! If God could accomplish this for them, He will do it for you!

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I have comeback DNA in me! It’s my new nature to always rise, even when I’ve fallen. I have the blood-bought right to get back up when I’ve failed! Jesus doesn’t turn from me when I’ve fallen; He turns to me and prays for me. I cannot fail. He will not fail me. His love will never fail toward me. I am expecting God to turn my failures and frustrations around beginning today, in Jesus’ Name!