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== Let's change that negative thought today!==
== Let's change that negative thought today!==

1. TAKE INVENTORY! God has NOT given you a spirit of fear; but POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND. (2 Timothy 1:7)
1. Take inventory! God has NOT given you a spirit of fear; but POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND. (2 Timothy 1:7)

2. BELIEVE THAT POWER IS IN YOU. Ephesians 3:20 says, "God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that is at work within you." There is power in you that enables God to do beyond what you can ask or think!
2. BELIEVE THAT POWER IS IN YOU. Ephesians 3:20 says, "God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that is at work within you." There is power in you that enables God to do beyond what you can ask or think!

Revision as of 09:35, 5 January 2024

Every day, our minds are flooded with a constant stream of thoughts. Ranging from mundane daily tasks to deeper contemplations about life and the world around us. According to research, the average person has approximately 60,000 thoughts per day.

But what is truly concerning is that 75% of these thoughts are negative - about 45,000 - and 95% are repetitive. Many of our negative thoughts are driven by the flight or fight part of our brain. This constant barrage of negative and repetitive thoughts can significantly impact our mental health, happiness, and overall quality of life.

The impact of negative and repetitive thoughts can significantly impact our mental health and overall well-being. They can lead to increased stress and anxiety, decreased self-esteem, and a general sense of unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life.

Moreover, repetitive thoughts can become deeply ingrained in our minds, making it difficult to change our thought patterns and break free from negative thinking. This negativity can result in a feeling of being stuck, unable to move forward, and lacking motivation to change our circumstances.

Over the next few days, we will learn how to renew our minds in and through Jesus Christ by replacing those negative thoughts with positive and Godly ones. We will repent from those old mindsets and replace them with new positive, beautiful-promised thoughts.

Just as God designs a butterfly to soar, so are you! However, the butterfly can only emerge in its beautiful colour and magnificent wings after it has been transformed within the warm cocoon of its Creator! This Fast from Wrong Thinking is your cocoon. As you wrap your mind in God’s thoughts over the next 21 days, you too will miraculously be transformed!

Ready to fly? Let’s Go!

Day One: I Can't Change

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, "I Can’t Change."

We’ve all felt at times that we can’t change a certain habit or a weakness in our lives. We often feel “confined” by whatever has previously “defined” us. But as we change our mindsets regarding WHO we are and what God has given us, ANYTHING can change. Today a new hope will be born in you!

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Awaken to God’s grace. Titus 2:12 says, “This same grace teaches us how to live each day as we turn our backs on ungodliness and indulgent lifestyles, and it equips us to live self-controlled, upright, godly lives in this present age.” (TPT)

His grace empowers us to change, break a habit or be free from our past. The river of grace is always flowing. Just step into it and receive IT!

2. Believe that the power to change is a GIFT. 2 Timothy 2:25 says God grants "repentance," or "the power to change," AS A GIFT. The ability to experience lasting change in any area of our life is a gift from God. Receive the gift of repentance, or “the gift to change,” by FAITH. Ask for it and receive it. God gives generously when you believe! (James 1:6)

3. All change begins by believing you are loved by God. Romans 2:4b says, “Do you realize that all the wealth of his extravagant kindness is meant to melt your heart and lead you into repentance?" (TPT)

4. Notice, in that verse, that His love and kindness change the way we think; THEN they change the way we act. All lasting change begins by surrendering my thought life to the Word of God. (Romans 12:2)

2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

5. Believe in the process that leads to progress. Don’t worry if it doesn’t happen right away. Jesus touched the blind man once, then touched him a second time, before he was completely healed. (Mark 8:22–26) I believe these next 21 days are going to be your SECOND touch from Jesus.

6. Redefine yourself ONLY as what God says about you. Disconnect from past definitions of your habits, traits, and limitations. You are being changed into His image. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18

Think it, Say it, Pray it and Believe it

God has given me the gift to change. My habits, emotions, and life are changed by changing the way I think. I submit to the process of renewing my mind, and I expect divine progress. I refuse to accept past definitions and limitations of myself. As I embrace God’s view of me through His Word, I am being changed into His image, in Jesus’ Name!

Day Two: I Am Powerless

When we feel powerless over our past, we feel guilty. When we feel powerless over our future, we feel afraid. When we feel powerless over the present, we feel depressed. And when we feel like the people or circumstances of our lives just won't change, we feel angry.

A sense of powerlessness is the root of all negative emotions.

The thought that there's not much we can do about the economy, or our weight, or the allergies we grew up with forces us to accept and tolerate a mediocre and weak life.

Let's change that negative thought today!

1. Take inventory! God has NOT given you a spirit of fear; but POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND. (2 Timothy 1:7)

2. BELIEVE THAT POWER IS IN YOU. Ephesians 3:20 says, "God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that is at work within you." There is power in you that enables God to do beyond what you can ask or think!

3. THINK AND ASK BIG! Give God something to work with, because He can do beyond. We have to at least give Him a base to begin with.

4. RECOGNIZE THE HOLY SPIRIT IN YOU. Acts 1:8 says, "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you..." This power (dunamis = dynamite) is already in you. Romans 8:11 says, "The very same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives IN YOU."

5. TAKE THE LIMITS OFF.Don’t limit God. Psalm 78:41 says that the children of Israel limited the Lord because they did not remember His power (verse 42). We free God’s hand to bless when we remember His previous blessings.

6. EXPECT. Never underestimate the power of expectation. Expect God’s power to strengthen you today. Expect to be led by His Spirit.

Think it,Say it, Pray it and Believe it

I have POWER in my life right now. Through the Holy Spirit in me, I have the power to overcome temptation, the power to change my life for the better, the power to be healed, the power to forgive, and the power to speak God’s Word and see His promises show up in my life. I will think big and ask big, and therefore the POWER OF GOD’S SPIRIT WITHIN ME will bring it to pass in my life, in Jesus’ Name!